Most Common Website Mistake

One of the most common mistakes I see with Websites that drives me crazy is lack of phone number. Sure, they may have the phone number but it is tucked away on the Contact Us page or footer. What good is that? You're making me work way too hard to call you. This is true for ALL types of companies. From large to small companies, all miss putting a phone number on the top header on their Website.
More people use smart phones rather than desktops to search for Websites, but time after time I see the Website designers somehow miss putting the phone number at an easy to see location. It's vital for any company that depends on getting phone calls to make a sale to have their phone number at the top of the site and clickable.
I just did a random test. I search for "plumbers St Louis" on Google. Usually, when you need a plumber, you need them as soon as possible. You don't have a lot of time to search for a plumber. You need them and you need them NOW! So, then, why wouldn't a plumber first of all have a responsive Website (easy to see in mobile devices)? Next, why wouldn't the phone number be at the top? When the toilette is backing up you really don't care about reading the company's message from the Owner, how they won awards or the latest tips. You need to call them to see how fast they can come to your house to fix the problem.
So, in my search, the first 3 sites DID NOT have a phone number. Well, actually, one did have it on their site but when the site resized itself to conform to a mobile device, the phone number disappeared. That's really not helping.
Here's the mobile version screen shot of the first plumber Website that came up in my search. We blurred out the name of the company. Our intent is not to embarrass anyone, but to inform business owners on how to increase leads and sales with great marketing.
This company did have the phone number on the full version of the site, but most people would use their smart phone to find a plumber. If you read through the text you would find the phone number hidden inside the first paragraph. The phone number needs to be at the top, easy to see and clickable with one click.
Why would a company make this mistake? One of the most common causes is trying to save money and do it yourself or do it cheap. Another reason is that people don't understand that when they hire a company to do their Website they need to find a company that focuses on marketing - that is sound proven marketing strategy and tactics.
So, take a look at your site. Can you quickly find the phone number or are you making your site visitors work too hard to contact you?