Website Design

Website Designing for Results
Your custom Web site design needs to captivate its audience, intrigue them to go through the site, and cause them to react positively to your message. But most importantly, it needs to produce results.
When a site visitor first enters your Web site, you want to convey a message using graphics, design, color, text and layout. That message should reflect your organization, evoke a feeling, and engage the visitor.
Our experienced design team will create a custom design that reflects your organization and speaks to your target audience.
Fading images, gliding text, dark backgrounds, rich colors…which elements are right for your site?
When designing a site we take into consideration your:
- Corporate image
- Current marketing designs
- Target audience
- Goals and purpose of the site
- Overall corporate marketing goals
- Competitive analysis
- Marketing strategy
- Budget
After carefully analyzing these elements and others, we develop a custom Website design that is just right for your situation.
Located in St. Louis, Missouri, we assist companies world-wide. Take a look at how we design a globalization and then localize it to a specific country of region. This includes, language and culture.
Most of our clients tell us that they want to take their business to "the next level". Of course the "next level" is
defined by them and is different for most people in some regards. When you boil it down it ultimately comes to increasing
sales, market share and profitability. Here's a list of what clients tell us about their previous situation: If you find yourself making similar statements we can help. Schedule your first appointment now.
We'll review your current situation and see if we are a good match for your needs.Here's Why Most People Work with Us
View our website design portfolio see samples of our custom designs.
Contact us today for Search engine Optimization (SEO), Adwords & Search Engine Marketing, Digital marketing, Website localization and Website design.
Call us now! Ask for a complimentary Marketing Analysis.
Bruce and Nancy were founders and owners of a local women’s dress shop since 1988. For over twenty years they have developed a successful business focusing on formal and designer clothing for women. They became known as the place to go for formal dresses. They also carried a stylish line of women’s sportswear. In addition, they offered customized fashion consulting including direct buying through New York fashion trips, closet assessment for up-to-date styles, alterations, and buying
records to avoid fashion event duplications.
Meet Bruce Lehtman,
Owner of Distinctions in Fashion
Their customers mainly came from word-of-mouth and newspaper print ads in a local newspaper. After the year 2000 Bruce knew that his marketing and advertising methods needed to add online efforts. Through a loyal customer, they contacted ePlus Marketing to help the company increase sales and profits.
Our first steps included an owner survey and interview to determine their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to their company. Our assessment and research helped produce a branding strategy, marketing strategy and marketing tactics.
Through the years, Bruce and Nancy have relied on our company to lead all marketing efforts including multiple websites, social media, direct mail, promotions, contests, email marketing, video marketing, events and more.
Results: The company soon saw a 30% increase in sales. The most dramatic turn-around was with their high-school prom dress line. They went from selling on average 200 dresses to over 3,000 dresses from in-store purchases only. The average price of the dresses was $500.00. This success enabled Bruce and Nancy to retire early and enjoy their grandchildren.
“They've over delivered with everything and every idea they bring us has increased our business tremendously. Our overall sales increased each year.” - Bruce Lehtman